She took the first photo of her granddaughter and her dog, Jake, looking at something in Jake's travelling cage.
The above photo shows an orb and if you look at the close up in the photo below, highlighted in paint shop, you may be able to see the face of a dog. The aura of the orb is red, which some believe means anger or frustration. Had the "orb dog", in life, been shut up and was upset at seeing a cage?
However, he seemed friendly during our stay. Several of the party noticed something going past, out of the corner of their eye, or felt something brush past their legs. Jackie returned one evening at dusk, having taken the dogs out and took a photo of the chapel. Was the beautiful orb at the door the "orb dog" awaiting their return. Please see pic below.
Jackie took lots of photos during her stay and most had orbs. She had had a wonderful time and as she left she said "Thank you" and took her final picture. See below. She felt the three orbs were wishing her well and saying goodbye.