Thursday, 20 September 2012

Haunted Hotel

My husband and I (no - I'm not the queen!) recently had a weekend away in Littlecote House. It's reputed to have a haunted bedroom and chapel. We've stayed there before and I had taken photographs of orbs on that previous occasion so I thought I might have a go and take some this stay. My husband is a bit sceptical but was intrigued by my pics from the last stay and he decided he would have a go at photographing them himself. So late on the Sunday night after the entertainment was over we wondered through the old part of the house where the spirits were meant to be. 

25 photographs showed orbs including this spectacular pink orb which showed up in two of the pics.
Large pink orb

In pic below you can see several orbs including a very bright white one.
We then took some outside in the old stable yard where my husband took the following two photos one after the other. There are two orbs close together and in the second one they moved slightly apart. After this amazing experience my husband is no longer sceptical!
2 orbs overlapping

They have moved slightly away from each other - one is almost out of the top of the pic